In the real world, process and environmental problems do not appear with nametags describing a comprehensive solution. Establishing a network of consultants is an effective way to apply the latest technical knowledge quickly in order to find solutions for existing problems or advance ongoing development programs.

we ship custom reaction furnaces and burners to oil refineries all around the world. The equipment must work when it gets there. That is why we use Stream Function to help verify the design before construction in our Edmonton facility begins.
Nick Roussakis, VP of Product Development, HEC Technologies Inc.
Stream Function Inc. specializes in the use of modelling tools to analyse the hydraulic and thermal performance of process equipment and real world systems. Our analysis facilitates trouble shooting existing equipment or predicting and optimizing the performance of new designs before manufacture. Our objective is to provide our clients with reliable, cost effective simulations in an effort to increase efficiency and productivity while managing technological risk. The combination of fluid flow and heat transfer knowledge along with modelling experience provides innovative and reliable solutions to real problems.
Stream Function can be a valuable partner in your technical network. Our knowledge and understanding of thermal and fluid systems is enhanced by our command of state-of-the-art tools like Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), physical modelling and proprietary codes to investigate every aspect of flow and heat transfer. We also offer advanced firmware development for embedded micro controllers and can provide custom turnkey electronics.
As a member of your technical team, we will work with you to plan, manage and execute a complete fluid and thermal analysis of your project, ensuring that you get practical solutions within your schedule and budget.  Let Stream Function help you navigate your flows.