Viewing This Site
This web site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and HTML 4 to control the appearance and presentation of each page. It is best viewed using one of the following web browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher
- Netscape 6.X or higher
- Opera 7 or higher
File Types
There are several file types used to provide documentation, results and data to visitors and clients. A detailed description of the file types and links to various viewers is provided on the File Support page.
Construction and Maintenance Tools
Other than a graphics editor, the web site was constructed and is maintained using Notepad and a very useful utility by Paul Johnston called Pipp. Pipp can be found on Paul's website under Web Design.
HTML and Java Scripts
This website uses several Java Scripts which were used with permission from the authors and required little or no modification. Although one could obtain these scripts from this website, We would encourage you to go to the original sources to ensure that you have the latest version and access to detailed description of how they work.
- CCS Pointers Group provides documentation on standards, examples, tutorials and bug reports.
- Elizabeth Castro's Web Site the companion site for the book we used on HTML and CSS called HTML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide.
- JavaScript World the companion site for the book we used on JavaScript called JavaScript for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide.
- Paul Johnston's Web Site for cryptography and other topics.
- Peter-Paul Koch's JavaScript Web Site where you will find lots of very good examples and detailed information on compatibility, language, structure and technique.