IP Development
Most clients want and need to keep their flow technology proprietary. Stream Function is willing to sign nondisclosure agreements, provided they are reasonable. In addition, Stream Function provides exclusive service in a particular market sector to certain clients.
The president of Stream Function Inc., Dr. Anthony Corriveau, has been involved in development projects where patents have been obtained:
- US 6,178,928  describes a control system for the cooling system of an internal combustion engine that utilizes an electric water pump and variable electronic flow valves. This system was built and installed into two european high performance vehicles produced by different manufactures and demonstrated to improve fuel economy, emission as well as the maximum engine hp. The cooling system exceeded both vehicle makers thermal stress tests. Due to the power requirements of the electric water pump, this system will likely have to wait to go into production until the 42V standard is widely adopted. For more information on 42V systems see articles 42 Volt Market & Enabling Technologies Part 1 and Part 2 by Tier One.
- US 6,302,147  describes a dual channel, dry break (no leak) fluid connector that will automatically release under a predetermined tension. This is important for applications where personnel are tethered to a moving vehicle. Cooling or heating can be provided through the tether to facilitate working in adverse conditions. The device was initially developed for Delta Temax Inc. that has since become a division of Med-Eng Systems Inc.
- US 6,547,284  describes a latch assembly that provides a quick connect/disconnect of a fluid coupling device. The disconnect can be manually initiated by hand activation of a release button or by the application of a predetermined tensile force applied across the latching device. The latch described in this patent is the latched used in the Dry Break Quick Connector.
Some companies require proprietary models and libraries to be constructed to facilitate investigating their flow problems. In the case of HEC Technologies, although these libraries and models are kept confidential, Stream Function has worked collaboratively with HEC to publish how the use of the customized CFD has enhanced their analysis and design (see H2S Combustion) giving them a competitive edge.
Whether you are trying to solve a problem or develop IP, Stream Function will provide you with the latest and most appropriate techniques for navigating your flows.